What is LENS?
(415) 326-5000
The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is a highly advanced form of biofeedback that stimulates the brain to reset itself for optimal functioning.
How is LENS different from traditional neurofeedback?
LENS sessions are more accessible and faster, results are more immediate, fewer sessions are needed, and a wider range of symptoms is addressed. LENS neurofeedback is an echo of brainwave patterns directed back through the sensors. The user doesn’t see, hear, or try to do anything. This technology is effective in seconds because the brain decides how to interpret and utilize the information.
Brainwave biofeedback, EEG biofeedback, and, more typically, neurofeedback are all names that describe the process of providing information about changes in the nervous system, usually by measuring brainwave frequency and strength through wires and sensors on the scalp. Traditionally, information about changes in brain waves was delivered through a sound or computer screen, which alerted the user when they stumbled onto a particular pattern that the technician considered more “normal.” Brainwave training or conditioning took repeated sessions of about 45-60 minutes.
LENS is not brain training but rather un-training the brain’s wasteful frozen alarms. It shows the brain how to let go.
Can LENS help my meditation practice?
Yes, during LENS sessions, even people who have never meditated experience the brain letting go into advanced meditation states. Beginners get the benefits of meditation—awareness, peace, happiness, clarity, and contentment—right away, inspiring them to sit for extended periods. With the mind quiet, meditation is more accessible. Seasoned meditators quickly drop into their best meditation states and progress from there. We have experience with the markers of progressive meditation states and can guide your efforts to neuro-awakening.
How can Neurofeedback help my child?
LENS is particularly effective with children because it requires no effort and only takes a few seconds. Immediate results are relaxation, calm, clarity, and cooperation. Many studies demonstrate its effectiveness for ADD and ADHD. LENS addresses behavioral problems, learning disorders, performance anxiety, head trauma, and other difficulties. It can also help children who overuse screen time and procrastinate.