Migraines and Headaches
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(415) 326-5000
LENS Neurotherapy is a safe and effective primary treatment for chronic headaches and migraines. Pain and discomfort caused by brain inflammation resulting from stress reactions or emotional trauma can be treated in a comfortable office setting with accelerated results.
Neurofeedback sessions are medication-free treatments that combine LENS Neurofeedback with individualized Echo-neuro protocols to relieve pain and reset cognitive functions. Most clients experience substantial and sustained benefits in the initial session, with total function restoration in follow-up sessions if needed.
LENS is a noninvasive, low-energy neurofeedback system used in clinics and wellness centers worldwide. Treatment reduces long-term brain inflammation and accelerates neuroregeneration in brain receptors and neural pathways to optimize brain health.
Call an experienced clinician at our Mill Valley, California, location.
Migraine and Headaches
Scientifically advanced LENS Neurofeedback is safe and easy. It is a proven to have positive change for those who have chronic migraines or headaches. Women in particular are more susceptible particularly in pre-menopausal cycles. In many cases, a single Neurofeedback session eliminates or greatly reduces the severity of reoccurring pain.
“I was amazed! Twice, I walked into his office with migraine symptoms that vanished within five minutes and were gone the rest of the day. And not only was the migraine gone, but I had tons of energy!”
— Bonnie A., Santa Rosa
What Causes Migraines?
Migraines may have many causes that trigger episodes. Some are traceable to past physical trauma, a series of minor concussions that add up to Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in childhood that may have gone unnoticed at the time. Later in life, the onset of trauma may manifest as headaches, brain fog, poor memory, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. Other causes can include severe bodily impact, prolonged fever, or chronic emotional distress. Prolonged sleep deprivation, dehydration, electrolyte depletion, toxic air quality, and poor diet may be contributing factors that cause migraines and mental impairments.
LENS Neurofeedback treatments are administered while sitting in a comfortable office chair. A computer interface initiates micro-signals through four sensors on the forehead and ears. The brain receives EEG feedback information, adjusts its operating patterns, and optimizes function. To enact the new instructions, the brain orders more vasodilation and blood flow in the body with greater ease so the hands and feet warm up.
Treatments induce neurological reset in the brain and neural pathways, decreasing inflammation. The effects typically release trauma loops caused by a lifetime of stress reactions that interact with the central nervous system. Neurotherapy sessions for migraines gradually reduce habitual anxiety, depression, or explosiveness while promoting deeper sleep, enhanced memory, and clearer thinking.
Additional Wellness Support
Stress reduction and good self-care decisions have been shown to relieve or reduce choric headache discomfort. There may not be a single cause of severe symptoms that require medical testing and intervention, but rather contributing causes. Long—and short-term behavior modification may offer alternative or complementary treatment options, along with neurofeedback.
Nutraceutical Testing — A simple urine test can often reveal neurotransmitter imbalances, the chemical messengers in your brain and body. Individually tailored supplements usually improve moods and sleep. They can also help calm the mind and increase productivity by reducing distractions.
Medication Management — Before your appointment, keep taking your migraine medication if it works. Many common medications may produce headaches as a side effect or rebound to the primary benefit. At Echo Neurotherapy, our psychiatrist specializes in managing maladaptive medication regimens. He has extensive experience with pharmacodynamics genetic testing, in which the biocompatibility of certain medications specific to your body is measured and evaluated. Most insurance companies and Medicare will cover full or partial payment for this service.
Mindful Breathing — We have observed that many of our migraine clients characteristically hold their breath. People adopt this to calm their bodies and decrease stress reactions. However, over time, this “freeze” response becomes a well-defined habit that may reduce vital oxygen in the brain. In response to oxygen starvation, the body reacts with migraine symptoms to alert the rest of the brain that something is harming it. Passive neurofeedback sessions gradually relieve neurological networks from repeating habitual breathing patterns that trigger headaches that inhabit healthy blood flow.
Meditation is mainstream. There is a wide variety of non-religious meditative groups available in online groups. Videos and a variety of apps offer convenient guidance for home practice and training.
Body Work—Osteopathic, chiropractic, and craniofacial work help restore blood flow throughout the body and to the head. Expert practitioners around the Bay Area provide effective therapeutics to improve holistic well-being.